
Variable Capital Company in Singapore: A Comprehensive Guide

Variable Capital Company in Singapore: A Comprehensive Guide

Variable Capital Company Singapore – The Variable Capital Company (VCC) is a unique corporate structure introduced in Singapore by ACRA in 2020 to enhance the country’s status as a leading financial hub. Tailored for investment funds, the VCC provides greater flexibility for fund managers in terms of capital structure, investor participation, and governance. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the key features, benefits, and applications of the VCC, highlighting why it is an attractive option for fund managers and investors.

1. What is a Variable Capital Company in Singapore (VCC)?

A VCC is a corporate structure designed specifically for collective investment schemes, including hedge funds, real estate funds, and private equity. It allows fund managers to use the VCC framework to house multiple sub-funds under one umbrella, providing greater flexibility and ease of operation. This flexibility differentiates it from other traditional company structures like private limited companies or unit trusts.

2. Key Features of a Variable Capital Company in Singapore

The VCC structure offers several key features that make it attractive to fund managers and investors alike:

  • Variable Capital: Unlike traditional company structures where capital is fixed, a VCC allows for variable capital. This means that the capital in the VCC can increase or decrease depending on the redemption and issuance of shares, providing greater flexibility for investor entry and exit.
  • Umbrella Structure with Sub-funds: The VCC can function as an umbrella entity with multiple sub-funds. Each sub-fund operates as a separate entity, allowing segregation of assets and liabilities across different investment portfolios.
  • Tax Incentives: VCCs are eligible for tax incentives under Singapore’s tax regime, including the 13R and 13X schemes, which provide tax exemptions for qualifying funds. These incentives make the VCC a tax-efficient structure for fund managers and investors.
  • Confidentiality: A VCC is not required to disclose the identity of its shareholders publicly, which enhances privacy for investors.
  • Flexible Use of Accounting Standards: VCCs can choose to apply Singapore Financial Reporting Standards (SFRS), International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), or US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP), offering greater flexibility in financial reporting.

3. Benefits of the VCC for Fund Managers

The VCC framework is designed to cater specifically to the needs of the asset management industry, providing various advantages to fund managers:

  • Efficient Fund Structuring: Fund managers can establish multiple sub-funds under one VCC, reducing administrative and compliance costs. Each sub-fund can have its own investment objective, strategy, and asset class, allowing managers to offer a diverse range of investment products.
  • Cost-Effective: The ability to consolidate multiple sub-funds under one VCC reduces the need for separate legal entities, lowering operational costs and simplifying governance.
  • Global Appeal: The VCC structure is highly attractive to international fund managers who are looking to set up funds in Singapore due to its flexibility, tax benefits, and alignment with global fund structures.
Variable capital company Singapore

4. VCC vs. Traditional Company Structures

The VCC differs significantly from traditional company structures such as private limited companies (Pte Ltd) or unit trusts. Below are some key differences:

  • Capital Flexibility: Unlike a private limited company, where capital is fixed and distributions are governed by solvency tests, a VCC allows for variable capital, making it easier to issue or redeem shares based on investor demand.
  • Investor Privacy: VCCs offer enhanced privacy for investors compared to traditional company structures, as there is no public disclosure of shareholder information.
  • Segregation of Assets and Liabilities: In a VCC, the assets and liabilities of each sub-fund are ring-fenced, ensuring that the creditors of one sub-fund cannot claim against the assets of another sub-fund.

5. How to Set Up a VCC in Singapore

Establishing a VCC in Singapore involves several key steps:

  • Registration: The VCC must be registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA). The fund manager must hold a Capital Markets Services (CMS) license issued by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) or be an exempt fund manager.
  • Appointment of Directors: A VCC must have at least one Singapore-resident director. If the VCC operates as an umbrella fund with sub-funds, each sub-fund must also have at least one director.
  • Regulatory Compliance: VCCs must comply with MAS regulations, including anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) requirements.

6. Case Studies of Successful VCC Implementations

Case Study 1: A global private equity firm launched a VCC in Singapore to manage a range of private equity sub-funds. The firm took advantage of the VCC’s umbrella structure to house multiple sub-funds, each targeting different regions and industries. The flexible capital structure allowed the firm to raise capital from international investors efficiently.

Case Study 2: A hedge fund manager transitioned its existing fund structure into a VCC, consolidating its various offshore entities into one VCC umbrella. This move helped reduce operational costs and provided greater transparency for investors, while also benefiting from Singapore’s tax incentives for funds.

7. Tax Considerations for VCCs in Singapore

VCCs can enjoy various tax benefits, making them a highly attractive option for fund managers. These include:

  • Exemption from Tax on Certain Income: VCCs can qualify for tax exemptions under the 13R and 13X schemes. For example, income from designated investments, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate, may be exempt from tax if certain conditions are met.
  • Double Taxation Treaties: Singapore’s extensive network of Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs) ensures that income earned by a VCC is not taxed twice in the country of origin and Singapore.

8. Future Outlook for the VCC in Singapore

The introduction of the VCC has positioned Singapore as a key hub for fund domiciliation in Asia. The VCC framework is expected to attract more global fund managers to Singapore, further strengthening the country’s asset management industry. As more firms adopt the VCC structure, its advantages—such as tax efficiency, cost savings, and operational flexibility—are likely to become even more pronounced.


The Variable Capital Company is a game-changing corporate structure for Singapore’s asset management industry. With its flexible capital structure, tax benefits, and ability to house multiple sub-funds under one umbrella, the VCC provides fund managers with a cost-effective and efficient solution for managing diverse investment portfolios. As the VCC framework gains traction, fund managers and investors alike are likely to find it a valuable tool for optimizing their investment strategies in Singapore.

If you or your clients are considering VCC Funds, Family Offices, or other Private Wealth solutions, please contact us to see how our Partner from a leading law firm in Singapore can assist.


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1. 什么是可变资本公司(VCC)?


2. VCC的主要特点


  • 可变资本:与传统公司结构中的固定资本不同,VCC允许资本的可变性。这意味着VCC的资本可以根据股份的赎回和发行进行增减,从而为投资者的进出提供更大的灵活性。
  • 伞状结构与子基金:VCC可以作为伞状实体运行,旗下拥有多个子基金。每个子基金作为一个独立的实体运行,实现了不同投资组合的资产和负债隔离。
  • 税收优惠:VCC符合新加坡税收制度下的税收优惠,包括13R和13X计划,为合格基金提供税收豁免。这些优惠使VCC成为基金经理和投资者的税务高效结构。
  • 隐私性:VCC不要求公开披露其股东身份,从而增强了投资者的隐私保护。
  • 灵活的会计标准选择:VCC可以选择使用新加坡财务报告准则(SFRS)、国际财务报告准则(IFRS)或美国公认会计原则(US GAAP),提供了更大的财务报告灵活性。

3. VCC对基金经理的优势


  • 高效的基金结构:基金经理可以在一个VCC下设立多个子基金,减少行政和合规成本。每个子基金可以拥有自己的投资目标、策略和资产类别,使经理能够提供多样化的投资产品。
  • 成本效益:通过在一个VCC下整合多个子基金,减少了对独立法律实体的需求,从而降低了运营成本并简化了治理。
  • 全球吸引力:对于希望在新加坡设立基金的国际基金经理来说,VCC结构因其灵活性、税收优惠和与全球基金结构的对接能力而极具吸引力。

4. VCC与传统公司结构的比较

VCC与私人有限公司(Pte Ltd)或信托单位等传统公司结构有显著不同。以下是一些主要区别:

  • 资本灵活性:与私人有限公司中的固定资本和受偿付能力测试管理的分配不同,VCC允许可变资本,使其更易于根据投资者需求发行或赎回股份。
  • 投资者隐私:与传统公司结构相比,VCC为投资者提供了更高的隐私保护,因为不需要公开披露股东信息。
  • 资产和负债隔离:在VCC中,每个子基金的资产和负债是隔离的,确保一个子基金的债权人不能对另一个子基金的资产提出索赔。

5. 如何在新加坡设立VCC


  • 注册:VCC必须在会计与企业监管局(ACRA)注册。基金经理必须持有由新加坡金融管理局(MAS)颁发的资本市场服务(CMS)执照,或是豁免的基金经理。
  • 董事任命:VCC必须至少有一名居住在新加坡的董事。如果VCC作为伞状基金运行,且拥有多个子基金,则每个子基金也必须有至少一名董事。
  • 监管合规:VCC必须遵守MAS的规定,包括反洗钱(AML)和反恐融资(CTF)的要求。

6. 成功实施VCC的案例研究



7. 新加坡VCC的税务考量


  • 某些收入的免税:符合条件的VCC可以在13R和13X计划下享受税收豁免。例如,来自指定投资(如股票、债券和房地产)的收入,若符合特定条件,可能免税。
  • 双重税收协定:新加坡广泛的双重税收协定网络确保VCC获得的收入不会在原籍国和新加坡双重征税。

8. 新加坡VCC的未来展望






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We work with a large well known Singapore law firm.  If you need to engage a Singapore lawyer to advise you on your legal matters, please click here to schedule a complimentary meeting with our lawyers.

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