Share Purchase Agreement Singapore – 5 Common legal Pitfalls to avoid

Share Purchase Agreement Singapore – A Share Purchase Agreement (SPA) is a critical legal document in any transaction involving the sale and purchase of shares in a company. In Singapore, the intricacies of SPAs are governed by a robust legal framework designed to protect the interests of all parties involved. However, navigating these complexities can be challenging, and there are several common legal pitfalls that buyers and sellers often encounter. Here, we outline five key pitfalls to avoid when drafting and executing a Share Purchase Agreement in Singapore.

1. Share Purchase Agreement Singapore – Inadequate Due Diligence

One of the most common pitfalls in a Share Purchase Agreement Singapore is the failure to conduct thorough due diligence. Due diligence is the process of investigating and verifying the details of the company whose shares are being purchased. This includes examining financial records, legal liabilities, intellectual property, contracts, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Avoiding the Pitfall:

  • Comprehensive Review: Engage professional advisors, such as lawyers and accountants, to conduct a comprehensive review of the target company.
  • Due Diligence Checklist: Use a detailed due diligence checklist to ensure no critical aspect is overlooked.
  • Verify Information: Cross-check information provided by the seller against independent sources.=
Singapore Family Office Requirements

2. Share Purchase Agreement Singapore – Ambiguous Terms and Conditions

Ambiguities in the terms and conditions of the SPA can lead to significant disputes between the parties. Vague language can create different interpretations, leading to legal complications and potential litigation.

Avoiding the Pitfall:

  • Clear Language: Use clear and precise language to define all terms and conditions.
  • Detailed Provisions: Include detailed provisions for all significant aspects of the transaction, such as payment terms, representations and warranties, and conditions precedent.
  • Legal Expertise: Have the SPA reviewed by a legal expert to ensure clarity and comprehensiveness.

3. Insufficient Representations and Warranties for your Share Purchase Agreement Singapore

Representations and warranties are statements of fact made by the seller about the condition of the company. Insufficient or inaccurate representations and warranties can leave the buyer unprotected against potential risks and liabilities.

Avoiding the Pitfall:

  • Comprehensive Warranties: Ensure the SPA includes comprehensive representations and warranties covering all critical aspects of the business.
  • Specific Disclosures: Require the seller to provide specific disclosures related to the representations and warranties.
  • Indemnity Clauses: Include indemnity clauses to protect the buyer against breaches of representations and warranties.
Share Purchase Agreement Singapore

4. Inadequate Consideration of Regulatory Approvals for Share Purchase Agreement Singapore

In Singapore, certain share transactions may require regulatory approvals from authorities such as the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) or the Competition and Consumer Commission of Singapore (CCCS). Failing to consider these requirements can delay or invalidate the transaction.

Avoiding the Pitfall:

  • Regulatory Research: Conduct thorough research to identify all necessary regulatory approvals.
  • Conditional Clauses: Include conditional clauses in the SPA that address the need for regulatory approvals.
  • Compliance Plan: Develop a compliance plan to obtain all required approvals within the stipulated timelines.

5. Ignoring Post-Completion Obligations

Post-completion obligations refer to the actions and commitments that parties must fulfill after the transaction is completed. Ignoring these obligations can lead to breaches of contract and subsequent legal issues.

Avoiding the Pitfall:

  • Detailed Obligations: Clearly outline all post-completion obligations in the SPA, such as transitional services, non-compete agreements, and confidentiality obligations.
  • Monitoring and Enforcement: Establish mechanisms to monitor and enforce post-completion obligations.
  • Legal Recourse: Specify the legal recourse available in case of non-compliance with post-completion obligations.


Navigating the complexities of a Share Purchase Agreement in Singapore requires careful attention to detail and a thorough understanding of the legal landscape. By avoiding these common legal pitfalls—such as inadequate due diligence, ambiguous terms, insufficient representations and warranties, inadequate consideration of regulatory approvals, and ignoring post-completion obligations—parties can significantly reduce the risk of disputes and ensure a smoother transaction process.

Engaging professional advisors and legal experts can further safeguard against potential issues, ensuring that the SPA accurately reflects the intentions of both parties and complies with Singapore’s regulatory requirements. By doing so, buyers and sellers can achieve a successful and legally sound share transaction.


We work with a large well known Singapore law firm.  If you need to engage a Singapore lawyer to advise you on your legal matters, please click here to schedule a complimentary meeting with our lawyers.

我们与新加坡一家大型知名律师事务所合作。如果您需要聘请新加坡律师为您提供建议,请填Google表格安排与我们律师的免费会面。 is a corporate law and commercial law educational website headquartered in Singapore which aims to demystify business law and 新加坡商业法 for SME Company Owners, Startup Founders and 新加坡新移民老板。The information provided on this website does not constitute legal advice.  Please obtain specific legal advice from a lawyer before taking any legal action.  Although we try our best to ensure the accuracy of the information on this website, you rely on it at your own risk.  Click here to signup for our newsletter today to be kept updated on the latest legal developments in Singapore. 是一家总部位于新加坡的公司法商法教育网站,旨在为中小企业主、初创企业创始人和新加坡新移民老板揭开商法和新加坡商业法的神秘面纱。本网站提供的信息不构成法​​律建议。在采取任何法律行动之前,请先咨询律师的具体法律建议。尽管我们尽力确保本网站信息的准确性,但您依赖本网站信息的风险由您自行承担。单击此处订阅我们今天的时事通讯,以了解新加坡最新的法律发展。




1. 尽职调查不足



    全面审查: 聘请专业顾问,如律师和会计师,进行全面审查目标公司。

    尽职调查清单: 使用详细的尽职调查清单,确保不忽略任何关键方面。

    核实信息: 将卖方提供的信息与独立来源进行交叉核实。

2. 条款和条件含糊不清



    明确语言: 使用清晰、精确的语言来定义所有条款和条件。

    详细条款: 为交易的所有重要方面包括详细条款,如付款条件、陈述和保证以及先决条件。

    法律专业知识: 请法律专家审查SPA,以确保条款的清晰性和全面性。


3. 陈述和保证不足



    全面保证: 确保SPA包括涵盖业务所有关键方面的全面陈述和保证。

    具体披露: 要求卖方提供与陈述和保证相关的具体披露。

    赔偿条款: 包括赔偿条款,以保护买方免受陈述和保证违反的影响。

4. 未充分考虑监管批准



    监管研究: 进行彻底的研究,以确定所有必要的监管批准。

    条件性条款: 在SPA中包括涉及监管批准的条件性条款。

    合规计划: 制定合规计划,在规定时间内获得所有所需的批准。

5. 忽视交易完成后的义务



    详细义务: 在SPA中清楚列出所有交易完成后的义务,如过渡服务、竞业禁止协议和保密义务。

    监控和执行: 建立机制来监控和执行交易完成后的义务。

    法律救济: 明确规定在不履行交易完成后义务时可采取的法律救济措施。





We work with a large well known Singapore law firm.  If you need to engage a Singapore lawyer to advise you on your legal matters, please click here to schedule a complimentary meeting with our lawyers.

我们与新加坡一家大型知名律师事务所合作。如果您需要聘请新加坡律师为您提供建议,请填Google表格安排与我们律师的免费会面。 is a corporate law and commercial law educational website headquartered in Singapore which aims to demystify business law and 新加坡商业法 for SME Company Owners, Startup Founders and 新加坡新移民老板。The information provided on this website does not constitute legal advice.  Please obtain specific legal advice from a lawyer before taking any legal action.  Although we try our best to ensure the accuracy of the information on this website, you rely on it at your own risk.  Click here to signup for our newsletter today to be kept updated on the latest legal developments in Singapore. 是一家总部位于新加坡的公司法商法教育网站,旨在为中小企业主、初创企业创始人和新加坡新移民老板揭开商法和新加坡商业法的神秘面纱。本网站提供的信息不构成法​​律建议。在采取任何法律行动之前,请先咨询律师的具体法律建议。尽管我们尽力确保本网站信息的准确性,但您依赖本网站信息的风险由您自行承担。单击此处订阅我们今天的时事通讯,以了解新加坡最新的法律发展。


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