Private Wealth Legal Practice | In our platform, we work with a partner in a large well known Singapore law firm who is a certified Trust and Estate Practitioner (TEP) as certified by the global Society for Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) to help clients with their private wealth needs. 

As part of his TEP education, our law firm partner graduated with a STEP Diploma and won the STEP Excellence Awards 2023 for achieving the highest pass with distinction in the STEP Advanced Certificate in Trusts Law & Practice in the 2023 academic year.

Some of the routine matters we deal with in our private wealth legal practice include (but are not limited to):

  • Helping families get residency and employment passes in Singapore;
  • Setting up a single family office (and also advise on the Global Investor Programme which allows the applicant to get permanent residence in Singapore (PR)) to do wealth planning for their families in Singapore;
  • Setting up a trust for business families before they list their companies overseas;
  • Setting up both Singapore and offshore trusts for legacy planning for family business;
  • Setting up both Singapore and offshore trusts for legacy planning to deal with forced heirships rules from the onshore jurisdiction of the settlor;
  • Setting up a family office under a multi-family office (VCC Fund) setup in Singapore.  This structure can hold both operating assets and private wealth assets;
  • Setting up a family office under a multi-family office (VCC Fund) setup in Singapore for onshore asset restructuring in countries that have capital controls;
  • Legacy planning for families holding many real estate assets in Singapore and overseas;
  • Tax efficient structures to hold real estate assets in Singapore and overseas;
  • Setting up Singapore funds for mergers and acquisitions (to acquire both private and public company assets);
  • Advising families on buy-sell agreements for their family business succession purposes;
  • Setting up a Singapore Trust to deal with spendthrift beneficiaries;
  • Setting up a Singapore Trust to deal with special needs beneficiaries;
  • Setting up an offshore VISTRA Trust to hold their family operating assets;
  • Setting up Cook Islands Trusts for pre-matrimonial asset planning.

If you are interested in setting up a family office, setting up a structure for asset protection, succession planning or need legal advice in respect of any of the above matters, please fill in our google contact form below and our law firm partner will be in touch with you.  Our first call is complimentary.


 我们与一家大型知名的新加坡律师事务所的合作伙伴合作,该合作伙伴是全球信托与遗产规划师协会(Society for Trust and Estate Practitioners)认证的信托与遗产规划师(TEP),帮助客户处理他们的私人财富需求。作为其TEP教育的一部分,他获得了STEP文凭,并在2023学年因在STEP高级信托法与实践证书考试中以优异成绩通过而荣获2023年STEP卓越奖。


(a) 帮助家庭获得新加坡的居留和工作准证;

(b) 设立单一家族办公室(并提供有关全球投资者计划的建议,该计划允许申请人获得新加坡永久居留权(PR)),为其家族在新加坡进行财富规划;

(c) 为家族企业在公司海外上市前设立信托

(d) 为家族企业的传承规划设立新加坡及离岸信托;

(e) 为应对委托人的境内司法管辖区的强制继承规则,设立新加坡及离岸信托进行遗产规划;

 (f) 在新加坡通过多家族办公室(VCC基金)结构设立家族办公室。该结构可以持有经营资产和私人财富资产;

(g) 在资本管制国家,通过多家族办公室(VCC基金)结构在新加坡设立家族办公室以进行境内资产重组;

(h) 为持有大量新加坡和海外房地产资产的家族进行遗产规划;

(i) 为在新加坡和海外持有房地产资产的家族提供税务高效结构;

(j) 为并购设立新加坡基金(收购私人和上市公司资产);

(k) 为家族企业继承目的,为家族提供买卖协议的咨询;

 (l) 设立新加坡信托以处理挥霍无度的受益人;

(m) 设立新加坡信托以处理特殊需求的受益人;

(n) 设立离岸VISTRA信托以持有家族经营资产;

(o) 设立库克群岛信托以进行婚前资产规划。


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