Startup Company

新加坡 Employment Pass (就业准证) 制度 – An introduction to the Employment Pass system in Singapore

新加坡近几年来有许多外国的商人来新加坡开公司而这群商人会申请新加坡的Employment Pass (就业准证)。这个文章会简单叙述新加坡的(就业准证) 制度。 #1: What is an employment pass? 新加坡的(就业准证)的简单的介绍 新加坡有几个级的出入凭证而 就业准证就是让要在新加坡开公司或就业的人士申请。要到新加坡的公司的高官人士通常会向新加坡人力部申请就业准证。  The employment pass is usually used by business owners and senior hires of companies. This is an article providing a quick summary of the requirements of the employment pass which is usually used for business owners and senior hires. #2: What is […]

新加坡 Employment Pass (就业准证) 制度 – An introduction to the Employment Pass system in Singapore Read More »

Singapore Startup Business: 7 key points to note when negotiating a term sheet with angel investors

Singapore Startup Business: At an early stage, you may have a product idea or a minimum viable product but are trying very hard to raise minimal funds to do some marketing.  At the early stage of growth, most startups would want to look for angel funding and enter into term sheet negotiations with potential investors. 

Singapore Startup Business: 7 key points to note when negotiating a term sheet with angel investors Read More »

Startup Business SG : 5 Key Reasons why Flipkart incorporated in Singapore

Startup Business SG: Singapore is a global business hub and has over the years played to host to several global unicorn startup companies including, but not limited to, Grab and Garena.  Some investors and startups have asked why is it that despite Flipkart having operations in India, its parent company was incorporated in Singapore.  To

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SME Fund Raising: 3 legal issues to note when fund raising from investors

SME Fund Raising :  In this tough economic climate, many SME business owners often need to raise equity for their companies as there is a limit to the amount of debt financing that their companies can get from the banks.  This article aims to examine 3 common legal issues that SME business owners should note

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Ant Financial (蚂蚁金付): Why it failed to list in both HK and Shanghai for the first time

CNBC reported that Ant Financial (蚂蚁金付) at the time it was about to list was the world’s largest fintech company and was valued at over USD 313 billion and raising over USD34.5 billion.  Had it listed on the Hong Kong and Shanghai stock exchanges, it would have been the world’s largest IPO.  Ant Financial was

Ant Financial (蚂蚁金付): Why it failed to list in both HK and Shanghai for the first time Read More »

Startup : 3 corporate law tips when negotiating funding term sheets

Startup : Fund raising is the life blood of startup business ventures in Singapore.  In this article, we will highlight for you 3 common legal points that you need to pay close attention to when negotiating term sheets with angel/seed/VC investors. #1: Dilution and Pre-Money and Post Money Valuation The most important thing that all

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What is a SPAC listing: Things SG Entrepreneurs should note

SPAC: Many people have been busy discussing what is a SPAC from the point of view of the founder of a SPAC.  This article looks at this from the perspective of a business owner that wishes to merge with a SPAC or an investor that wishes to invest into a SPAC deal after a merger

What is a SPAC listing: Things SG Entrepreneurs should note Read More »

Singapore Startup Company : 3 Tips to note when negotiating founders equity at the start

Each Singapore Startup Company founder has asked us this question many times and we have decided to write a short article on this very pertinent question.  We have spent some time thinking hard about the question and feel that sometimes equal equity between the founders is not reasonable given the differing amount of effort that

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Startup Company : 3 Tips to Fund Raising in a Pandemic

Startup Company fundraising: The COVID pandemic has hit many startup companies in Singapore and globally.  Many startups are unable to pivot in the pandemic and as a result many have closed down and some other startups are facing issues in fund raising.  This article will highlight 3 key tips to fund raising in a pandemic

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SG Startup Company : 5 Corporate Law Pitfalls to avoid when scaling your Unicorn

Many SG startup founders always aspire to grow their startup into a Unicorn.  This is an admirable ambition and given that our partner has experience advising 2 of them in Singapore, we would like to share some of the key legal pitfalls that such unicorn startups (SG Startup Company) need to avoid to scale successfully.

SG Startup Company : 5 Corporate Law Pitfalls to avoid when scaling your Unicorn Read More »

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