新加坡 Employment Pass (就业准证) 制度 – An introduction to the Employment Pass system in Singapore
新加坡近几年来有许多外国的商人来新加坡开公司而这群商人会申请新加坡的Employment Pass (就业准证)。这个文章会简单叙述新加坡的(就业准证) 制度。 #1: What is an employment pass? 新加坡的(就业准证)的简单的介绍 新加坡有几个级的出入凭证而 就业准证就是让要在新加坡开公司或就业的人士申请。要到新加坡的公司的高官人士通常会向新加坡人力部申请就业准证。 The employment pass is usually used by business owners and senior hires of companies. This is an article providing a quick summary of the requirements of the employment pass which is usually used for business owners and senior hires. #2: What is […]