Asian Family Business

Corporate law solicitors – Three key points

Corporate Law Solicitors in Singapore : This article will help you along your way to learn how to evaluate which corporate lawyer/ corporate law firm to assist your business as your business expands and carries out increased business operations in Singapore.  In this article, we will cover three key consideration which any business owner should […]

Corporate law solicitors – Three key points Read More »

Business solicitors near me – Where to find in SG

Business solicitors near me – In Singapore, law is a fused profession so lawyers can practice both corporate law and litigation (i.e. go to court).  The lawyers in Singapore that draft agreements and practice corporate law are usually known as business solicitors.  From Singapore’s history of its business district, most corporate lawyers used to set

Business solicitors near me – Where to find in SG Read More »

Reverse takeover transaction (反收购交易) – 3 Key Issues to know when structuring a deal on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX-ST)

Reverse takeover transaction (反收购交易) – 3 Key Issues to know when structuring a deal on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX-ST) Listing via a reverse takeover transaction (RTO):  We have covered in a separate article on “RTO: How to list your SME company on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited via a reverse takeover

Reverse takeover transaction (反收购交易) – 3 Key Issues to know when structuring a deal on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX-ST) Read More »

How do I get a corporate lawyer consultation in Singapore?

Corporate lawyer consultation: Business in Singapore always runs and on a daily basis new deals are forged.  In this article, we will set out three key things you need to note when getting a corporate lawyer consultation in Singapore. #1: Whether the first corporate lawyer consultation meeting is free or will be chargeable When first

How do I get a corporate lawyer consultation in Singapore? Read More »

An introduction to Government Grants in Singapore

Government grants in Singapore:  Unknown to many people in Singapore there are actually many government grants in Singapore and if you look hard enough you would be able to apply for many of them. Some of the governments grants in Singapore that are available online include the following: Startup SG Tech Agency: Enterprise Singapore Type:

An introduction to Government Grants in Singapore Read More »

境外控股公司 : 如何在新加坡设立

境外控股公司 : 新加坡是东南亚的金融中心而近几年来很多境内的投资者有兴趣在新加坡设立海外控股公司。一个海外控股公司是一个集团的最顶尖的公司而让境内或境外的股息往在新加坡的海外控股公司的银行户口。久而久之,您境内的利润会在新加坡收集。 如何用您的海外控股公司? 海外控股公司的用途有几种。比如: (i) 在海外设立海外的办事处和海外公司来收海外的利润; (ii)在新加坡设立国际家庭办公室;或 (iii) 在新加坡设立海外研究中心而在国际注册专利而在海外收境内公司的知识产权费。。  在新加坡合理海外控股公司会让您在新加坡落脚而开始在新加坡融资或扩充生意。 如何在新加坡设立一个海外控股公司? 要在新加坡设立一个公司必须聘请一个公司秘书或聘请一个新加坡律师帮您设立一个新加坡海外控股中心。要设立新加坡公司必须提供已下的讯息: (i)新加坡公司的名字; (ii) 公司的董事; (iii) 公司的股东的名字; (iv) 公司的经营范围。 根基新加坡公司法,在新加坡设立公司必须要有一个新加坡住宿的董事。 若您有实力新加坡控股公司的需求,请填表格向我们询问详情。 We are always open to questions on issues relating to startup law in Singapore so if you have any comments on our article, please leave a comment below. is a corporate law

境外控股公司 : 如何在新加坡设立 Read More »

SG Company Funding: 3 Keys to note when reviewing a private equity firm investment term sheet (from the perspective of the company raising funding)

SG Company Funding: Most companies looking for funding are not familiar with the different types of funding available.  This article will help you find out how to negotiate effectively with an investor when the investor offers you a term sheet. Our article assumes that you are raising funding from a growth investor (growth private equity

SG Company Funding: 3 Keys to note when reviewing a private equity firm investment term sheet (from the perspective of the company raising funding) Read More »

Employment Law in Singapore: 新加坡劳工法须知的7点 – 7 Key things you need to know about Employment Law in Singapore

Employment law in Singapore: Many people in Singapore have read about the recent case of the Twelve Cupcakes co-founder Daniel Ong and his ex-wife Jaime Teo who were charged for underpaying foreign employees for the period where they were directors of Twelve Cupcakes and they were fined S$65,000. 很多人已经阅读前DJ 王盟友 (Daniel Ong)和前妻 Jamie Teo 于假报员工

Employment Law in Singapore: 新加坡劳工法须知的7点 – 7 Key things you need to know about Employment Law in Singapore Read More »

Singapore Flip Structure: How to structure a flip structure for Singapore Companies with India/China founders

翻转结构: 如何为印度、境内启动公司的发起人在新加坡设立境外的控股公司 Singapore Flip Structure: Many startup founders decide to raise offshore funding when expanding in large markets like China or India and it is at this stage, founders realise that they have local PRC/India legal obligations that they need to comply with.  In fact, not many people know that Flipkart the largest ecommerce player

Singapore Flip Structure: How to structure a flip structure for Singapore Companies with India/China founders Read More »

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