Asian Family Business

SME Founder : Why enter into Buy-Sell Agreements

SME Founder: Have you heard of a situation whereby two SME Founders start a successful business and then the business falls apart after one of the two founders passes away?  One reason for this is that the children of one founder (from their inheritance) have different ideas on running the business from the remaining founder.  […]

SME Founder : Why enter into Buy-Sell Agreements Read More »

知识产权控股公司: 如何在新加坡设立知识产权控股公司 /How to set up a Singapore intellectual property holding company

Singapore is a member of the Berne Convention which protects Copyright across member countries that are signatories to such treaty.  It is also a major hub for multi-national companies and as a national policy is focused on the protection of intellectual property rights for intellectual property rights owners.  Singapore is also a member of the

知识产权控股公司: 如何在新加坡设立知识产权控股公司 /How to set up a Singapore intellectual property holding company Read More »

Share Purchase Agreement Singapore : 5 Key Legal Issues To Note

Share Purchase Agreement Singapore : 5 Key Legal Issues To Note Share Purchase Agreement Singapore : Starting and growing a company is the dream of many an entrepreneur in Singapore but many at the point of selling their company (as a seller) are quite mystified with the legal concepts of a sale of shares.  This

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收购新加坡上市公司 – Acquiring a Singapore listed company (RTO Singapore)

收购新加坡上市公司 – Acquiring a Singapore listed company (RTO Singapore) 收购新加坡上市公司: Singapore is a global financial hub and has many listed companies listed on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (SGX-ST).  Singapore is also one of the largest private banking centres in the world after Switzerland.  Many companies come to Singapore to list on the SGX-ST

收购新加坡上市公司 – Acquiring a Singapore listed company (RTO Singapore) Read More »

RTO: How to list your SME company on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited via a reverse takeover transaction

RTO:  How to list your SME company on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited via a reverse takeover transaction Updated on 9th Oct 2023 Reverse Takeover Transaction Singapore – There are 4 ways for a business to be listed on the Singapore stock exchange (SGX).  Listing by way of introduction, listing by way of an

RTO: How to list your SME company on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited via a reverse takeover transaction Read More »

资产保护信托: 在新加坡设立资产保护信托的法律须知

新加坡是一个世界金融中心而有许多国际投资者选择来新加坡设立家庭办公室和在家庭办公室结构上面会有一个新加坡资产保护信托来保护资产。新加坡资产保护信托近几年来变了很受欢迎而许多国际投资者开始在新加坡设立家族信托。 #1: What is a trust? 新加坡资产保护信托的简单慨念 新加坡的法律制度是国际化而新加坡的法庭依法审案。新加坡是一个政治稳定的国家而许多国际投资公司来新加坡设立投资管理部门来管理他们国际投资资产。 在一个信托,委托人会转知产进入信托而信托人会帮受益人持有资产。 #2: A Trust is not a contractual arrangement unlike in China but is governed by a separate line of law in Singapore (equity) | 新加坡资产保护信托来之英国法律系统而跟中国的合同法不一样 新加坡的信托法律来之英国的法律系统而跟中国的合同法不一样。就应为是来之英国的法律系统所以信托法律要看信托官司的案例来了解。   #3: Trustee has strict obligations to protect the assets 新加坡信托法律对于资产保护是很在乎的 新加坡法律对于信托人的法律责任很看得重而新加坡法律对于信托人对于保护资产的法律责任看的很重所以在新加坡设立信托相当安全。 #4: Corporate Trustees in Singapore have a Trust

资产保护信托: 在新加坡设立资产保护信托的法律须知 Read More »

新加坡开私人银行: 如何在新加坡开私人银行户口 (Singapore Private Bank Account)

新加坡开私人银行: 新加坡是个世界著名的国际金融中心而近几年来许多境内的投资者和家族企业开始把他们海外的私人银行迁移到新加坡。我们在这个文章叙述在新加坡做财富管理的优势而如何在新加坡开私人银行户口。 #1: 为何在新加坡管理财富 新加坡开私人银行: 新加坡是一个国际金融中心而有英国法律系统所以在新加坡做财富管理乃上上策。就因为如此,许多国际明星如海底捞的老板张勇和Alibaba的马云和Alibaba的核心团队都在新加坡设立家庭办公室做财富管理。 另外,新加坡是一个抵税的国家而很欢迎国际公司和家族企业的中部来到新加坡设立总部。新加坡为了欢迎家庭办公室在新加坡落脚也给税务上的优惠政策。 #2: 新加坡大的私人银行- 如何选 境内的家族企业通常会在新加坡在大银行设立私人银行户口。 新加坡著名的新加坡私人银行如DBS Bank (星展银行),UOB Bank (大华银行) 和 OCBC Bank (华侨银行)。 新加坡国际的私人银行如 UBS Private Bank, Credit Suisse Private Bank, Citibank Private Bank。 #3: 如何在新加坡开私人银行 首先在家族背景能合格私人银行内部的考验的前提下,您必须找一个私人银行来开户口。新加坡每一个私人银行最低必须要投资的金额不一样。国际私人银行必须投资的金额比较大而新加坡本地的银行的最低金额会比较少。 #4:设立新加坡家族信托 有一些境内的家庭设立家族办公室和信托来保护他们的财富资产。新加坡信托(在转入时期经过之后)能用来保护家族财富的框架。新加坡的信托公司有金融管理据的拍照所以是相当可靠的。 有时候,新加坡家族信托可以作为家族传承的一部分。 #5: 在新加坡收购房地产 在新加坡买房地产能向私人银行贷款,但是有一些境内客户有时候会用100% 的现金收购。要得到新加坡家庭办公室的税务优势政策所描述的最低投资金额不包含新加坡的房地产。 新加坡的私人银行对于境内客户有相当的了解,所以许多进内的客户会开始到新加坡开私人银行户口。 If you have any comments on our article, please leave a comment below.

新加坡开私人银行: 如何在新加坡开私人银行户口 (Singapore Private Bank Account) Read More »

Startup Business SG : 5 Key Reasons why Flipkart incorporated in Singapore

Startup Business SG: Singapore is a global business hub and has over the years played to host to several global unicorn startup companies including, but not limited to, Grab and Garena.  Some investors and startups have asked why is it that despite Flipkart having operations in India, its parent company was incorporated in Singapore.  To

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SME Fund Raising: 3 legal issues to note when fund raising from investors

SME Fund Raising :  In this tough economic climate, many SME business owners often need to raise equity for their companies as there is a limit to the amount of debt financing that their companies can get from the banks.  This article aims to examine 3 common legal issues that SME business owners should note

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Ant Financial (蚂蚁金付): Why it failed to list in both HK and Shanghai for the first time

CNBC reported that Ant Financial (蚂蚁金付) at the time it was about to list was the world’s largest fintech company and was valued at over USD 313 billion and raising over USD34.5 billion.  Had it listed on the Hong Kong and Shanghai stock exchanges, it would have been the world’s largest IPO.  Ant Financial was

Ant Financial (蚂蚁金付): Why it failed to list in both HK and Shanghai for the first time Read More »

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