
Why Singapore Wealth Management is Attracting the World’s Wealthiest: Family Offices and VCC Funds

Singapore wealth management – Singapore is a well-known global wealth hub and many high net worth individuals have flocked to Singapore to manage their wealth.  This has resulted in an increase in the number of single family offices being setup in Singapore and VCC funds being setup for personal investment and corporate investment purposes.  In this article, we will look at why Singapore has attracted wealth from China and India and some highlight some legal considerations that are important for family office and VCC fund setup.

1.      Singapore Wealth Management – the influx of high net worth individuals (HNWIs) to Singapore

Singapore wealth management – In the Straits Times in Singapore on 14 September 2024, it was reported that according to the Henley & Partners 2024 World’s Wealthiest Cities Report, Singapore’s appeal to high-net-worth individuals is undeniable:

  • 3,400 HNWIs relocated to Singapore in 2023
  • Now home to 244,800 millionaires, 336 centi-millionaires, and 30 billionaires
  • The number of single-family offices surged from 400 in 2020 to 1,400 by end-2023

Some factors that have drawn such families to Singapore, include the political stability in Singapore, tax incentives, economic opportunities in South East Asia and the strong rule of law in Singapore.

Many family offices and fund managers managing VCC funds are involved in the business of wealth management from Singapore.

Close-up of Coin

2.      Singapore Wealth Management – Surge in Family Offices in Singapore

Many families have made money in China and India and come to Singapore to set up a family office to manage the family wealth from Singapore.  This is reflected in the growth of family offices in Singapore from 400 in 2020 to 1,400 by 2023.

Most business families setup a family office in Singapore for the tax benefits, the strong Singapore legal regulatory framework, legacy planning and philanthropy.

3.      Singapore Wealth Management – Importance of VCC Funds in Wealth Management

Some families instead of single family offices, will use the variable capital company fund as an alternative structure to hold their family wealth/assets.  Most fund managers that manage  VCC Funds, will apply for a tax incentive of 0% for such funds under Section 13O and Section 13U of the Income Tax Act of Singapore. 

The second benefit of a VCC Fund is that the shareholder’s identity is secret (save for disclosure to government authorities in Singapore for anti-money laundering).

Another benefit of a VCC fund is that capital can be returned easily to shareholders and such VCC Fund is not bound by the common law capital rules under general company law in Singapore.

4.      Singapore Wealth Management – Why Singapore is the top Choice for wealth from China and India

Singapore’s policy of second language mother tongue has trained a generation of bilingual Singaporeans who can service such clients as they come to Singapore.  Given Singapore’s multi-racial makeup, many Chinese and Indian families are quite at ease when they come to Singapore to stay or for holiday.

Singapore in the region enjoys a stable and strong currency and is a strong financial hub in South East Asia.  As a result, many families come to Singapore to manage their investments to India and China as it enjoys good investing infrastructure as many of the global financial institutions and professional advisers (who have experience in cross border investing) are based in Singapore.

5.      Singapore Wealth Management – Legal and Financial Services for Wealth Management

Many families and high net worth individual’s value Singapore for its security and rule of law and it would be even more important to seek legal counsel when structuring and setting up family offices and VCC funds. 

For a family office, the law firm will need to check to see whether the single family office can rely on the class exemption under the Securities and Futures Act to avoid having to apply for a fund management licence.

For a VCC fund, the law firm will need to draft the fund documents which will determine the scope of investment for this fund.  Clients should study the fees, risks arising from such an investment and also the purpose of the fund.  VCC funds have been used to set up private equity funds to invest globally.

6.      Conclusion

Singapore continues to attract the ultra-wealthy from China and India (new wealth).  We foresee that an increasing number of second generation families will set up family offices in Singapore and grow and manage their global wealth from Singapore.

Singapore is the Asian HQ for many multi-national companies so as a result as the wealth and operating companies under the family offices start to globalise, Singapore will become a natural global operating HQ to manage such operating companies under the family offices.

If you or your clients are considering VCC Funds, Family Offices, or other Private Wealth solutions, please contact us to see how our Partner from a leading law firm in Singapore can assist.


We work with a large well known Singapore law firm.  If you need to engage a Singapore lawyer to advise you on your legal matters, please click here to schedule a complimentary meeting with our lawyers.

我们与新加坡一家大型知名律师事务所合作。如果您需要聘请新加坡律师为您提供建议,请填Google表格安排与我们律师的免费会面。 is a corporate law and commercial law educational website headquartered in Singapore which aims to demystify business law and 新加坡商业法 for SME Company Owners, Startup Founders and 新加坡新移民老板。The information provided on this website does not constitute legal advice.  Please obtain specific legal advice from a lawyer before taking any legal action.  Although we try our best to ensure the accuracy of the information on this website, you rely on it at your own risk.  Click here to signup for our newsletter today to be kept updated on the latest legal developments in Singapore. 是一家总部位于新加坡的公司法商法教育网站,旨在为中小企业主、初创企业创始人和新加坡新移民老板揭开商法和新加坡商业法的神秘面纱。本网站提供的信息不构成法​​律建议。在采取任何法律行动之前,请先咨询律师的具体法律建议。尽管我们尽力确保本网站信息的准确性,但您依赖本网站信息的风险由您自行承担。单击此处订阅我们今天的时事通讯,以了解新加坡最新的法律发展。





1. 新加坡财富管理——高净值人士 (HNWIs) 涌入新加坡

根据2024年9月14日《海峡时报》报道,Henley & Partners 2024年全球最富有城市报告显示,新加坡对高净值人士的吸引力不可否认:

  • 2023年,3,400名高净值人士迁往新加坡
  • 新加坡现有244,800名百万富翁、336名亿万富翁(财富至少达1亿美元),以及30位十亿富翁
  • 单一家族办公室数量从2020年的400家增加到2023年底的1,400家


2. 新加坡财富管理——家族办公室数量激增


3. 新加坡财富管理——VCC基金在财富管理中的重要性

一些家族选择使用可变资本公司 (VCC) 基金作为替代结构来持有家族财富或资产。大多数管理VCC基金的基金经理会根据新加坡《所得税法》第13O条和第13U条申请0%的税收优惠。

4. 新加坡财富管理——为何新加坡是中国和印度财富的首选


5. 新加坡财富管理——财富管理的法律和金融服务


6. 结论





We work with a large well known Singapore law firm.  If you need to engage a Singapore lawyer to advise you on your legal matters, please click here to schedule a complimentary meeting with our lawyers.

我们与新加坡一家大型知名律师事务所合作。如果您需要聘请新加坡律师为您提供建议,请填Google表格安排与我们律师的免费会面。 is a corporate law and commercial law educational website headquartered in Singapore which aims to demystify business law and 新加坡商业法 for SME Company Owners, Startup Founders and 新加坡新移民老板。The information provided on this website does not constitute legal advice.  Please obtain specific legal advice from a lawyer before taking any legal action.  Although we try our best to ensure the accuracy of the information on this website, you rely on it at your own risk.  Click here to signup for our newsletter today to be kept updated on the latest legal developments in Singapore. 是一家总部位于新加坡的公司法商法教育网站,旨在为中小企业主、初创企业创始人和新加坡新移民老板揭开商法和新加坡商业法的神秘面纱。本网站提供的信息不构成法​​律建议。在采取任何法律行动之前,请先咨询律师的具体法律建议。尽管我们尽力确保本网站信息的准确性,但您依赖本网站信息的风险由您自行承担。单击此处订阅我们今天的时事通讯,以了解新加坡最新的法律发展。


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