SGX Listing vs. Private Ownership: Exploring the Business Advantages

SGX Listing vs. Private Ownership: Exploring the Business Advantages

SGX Listing – In the dynamic realm of business, the path to success often involves making strategic decisions that can significantly impact your company’s future. For businesses in Singapore, one of these pivotal choices is whether to remain privately owned or take the bold step of a public listing on the Singapore Exchange (SGX). In this article, we’ll delve into the compelling advantages of SGX listing compared to maintaining private ownership and spotlight real-life success stories to illustrate how this route can truly benefit business owners.

Reverse Merger Acquisition
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SGX Listing – 5 Benefits of a SGX listing

  1. Access to Growth Capital: Going public on SGX opens the door to a vast pool of capital from a diverse range of investors. This fresh infusion of funds can be instrumental in propelling business expansion, accelerating research and development efforts, and executing strategic initiatives that were once out of reach.
  2. Elevated Business Profile: Companies listed on SGX enjoy heightened visibility and credibility in the marketplace. This heightened exposure not only attracts potential investors but also solidifies your brand’s reputation and fosters consumer trust.
  3. Liquidity for Stakeholders: Publicly traded shares on SGX provide liquidity, granting stakeholders the flexibility to buy and sell their holdings with ease. This liquidity proves particularly valuable for early investors and employees seeking opportunities to capitalize on their investments.
  4. Empowering M&A Strategies: Publicly listed companies often have an upper hand in mergers and acquisitions. They can utilize their publicly traded shares as a valuable currency for strategic acquisitions, further bolstering their market position.
  5. Regulatory Assurance: SGX-listed businesses adhere to a robust regulatory framework that champions transparency and accountability. This commitment to compliance reassures both investors and stakeholders alike.
Premarital Agreement
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SGX Listing –  Success Stories in the SGX Listing Journey

  • Nanofilms Technologies International Limited: Nanofilms Technologies, a trailblazer in advanced materials and nanotechnology, entered the SGX arena in 2019. This pivotal listing decision empowered the company to fast-track its research and development initiatives and expand its global footprint. Today, Nanofilms is celebrated for its groundbreaking innovations in materials science.
  • ComfortDelGro Corporation Limited: In 2003, ComfortDelGro, a titan in the land transport sector, embarked on its SGX journey. This strategic move armed the company with the financial muscle needed for global expansion. Today, ComfortDelGro is a household name, serving millions of customers across numerous countries.
  • Singapore Airlines Limited: Singapore Airlines, Singapore’s national flag carrier, took flight on SGX in 1985. This bold move enabled the airline to tap into international capital markets, securing the resources required to acquire new aircraft and bolster its global presence and service offerings.
  • ST Engineering Ltd: ST Engineering, a global technology, defense, and engineering juggernaut, made its SGX debut in 1997. The SGX listing served as a catalyst, facilitating the company’s expansion into diverse business domains and international collaborations. Today, it operates in over 100 countries, celebrated for its innovation and technical prowess.

In conclusion, while the decision between SGX listing and private ownership hinges on numerous factors, such as your company’s size, growth stage, and strategic goals, the advantages of going public on SGX are undeniable. The ability to access growth capital, boost your business profile, ensure liquidity for stakeholders, enable strategic M&A moves, and maintain regulatory compliance make SGX listing an enticing proposition. The success stories of Nanofilms Technologies, ComfortDelGro, Singapore Airlines, and ST Engineering underscore how SGX listing can be a catalyst for business owners, propelling growth, expanding horizons, and enhancing global recognition. As business owners continue to steer their enterprises toward success, SGX remains a formidable platform for realizing their entrepreneurial visions.

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SGX上市 vs. 私有制:探讨商业优



  1. 获得增长资本的途径: 在SGX上市为企业提供了从多样化的投资者中获得资本的广泛机会。这种新资金的注入可以成为推动业务扩张、加速研发工作和执行曾经难以实现的战略计划的重要因素。
  2. 提升业务形象: 在SGX上市的公司在市场上享有更高的知名度和信誉。这种增强的曝光不仅吸引潜在投资者,还巩固了品牌声誉并培养了消费者的信任。
  3. 股东的流动性: SGX上市的公司可以交易其公开交易的股票,为股东提供了轻松买卖持股的灵活性。这种流动性对早期投资者和寻求实现投资回报的员工尤其有价值。
  4. 赋予并购战略力量: 公开上市的公司在并购方面往往更具优势。他们可以将公开交易的股票用作战略性收购的有价货币,进一步巩固市场地位。
  5. 法规保障: 在SGX上市的企业遵守着健全的法规框架,促进透明度和问责制,这使投资者和利益相关者都感到放心。


  • Nanofilms Technologies International Limited: Nanofilms Technologies,一家领先的先进材料和纳米技术公司,于2019年首次亮相SGX。这一重要上市决策为该公司提供了加速研发计划和扩大全球市场份额所需的财务支持。今天,Nanofilms以其材料科学方面的突破性创新而备受赞誉。
  • ComfortDelGro Corporation Limited: 2003年,ComfortDelGro,一家领先的陆地交通公司,在SGX上市。这一战略性举措为该公司提供了扩张全球业务所需的财务实力。今天,ComfortDelGro是一个家喻户晓的品牌,为多个国家的数百万客户提供服务。
  • Singapore Airlines Limited: 新加坡航空,新加坡的国家航空公司,于1985年在SGX上市。这一大胆举措使该航空公司能够利用国际资本市场,获取购置新飞机和增强全球业务的资金资源。
  • ST Engineering Ltd: ST Engineering,一家领先的全球技术、国防和工程集团,于1997年在SGX上市。SGX上市成为催化剂,促使该公司扩展其多元化业务领域和国际合作。今天,该公司在超过100个国家开展业务,以其创新和专业知识而著称。

总之,虽然SGX上市与保持私有制之间的选择取决于众多因素,包括公司的规模、增长阶段和战略目标,但上市在SGX的优势是不容忽视的。获得增长资本、提高业务形象、保证股东的流动性、启动战略性并购举措以及保持法规合规性,这些都是引人入胜的激励因素。Nanofilms Technologies、ComfortDelGro、Singapore Airlines和ST Engineering的成功案例突显了SGX上市如何成为企业所有者的催化剂,推动业务增长、扩大视野并提高全球认可度。随着企业所有者继续引导他们的企业走向成功,SGX仍然是实现他们创业愿景的强大平台。

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